Treatment of coral stone 1 degree right, kidney

A 47-year-old patient has a high level of uric acid in the blood, which led to the formation of a staghorn kidney stone. Percutaneous lithotripsy was performed through two punctures with a diameter of 5mm in two stages. The third stage involved access through the urethral canal, and the residual fragments were removed.

  • Діагноз:

    Сечокамяна хвороба. Коралоподібний камінь 1 ступеню правої нирки.

  • Виконано:

    Контактне лазерне дроблення гнучким інструментом.

  • Результат лікування:

    Пацієнт з одужанням виписаний додому.

Examples of patients

Crushing a coral-like stone through 5 mm. a puncture on the skin

A 74-year-old patient presented with complaints of dull aching pain in the left lumbar region of more than ten years' duration.

1.8-cm calculus in the lower calyx.

1.8-cm calculus in the lower calyx.

A 2.8 cm calculus of the calyx

A 2.8 cm calculus of the calyx

Treatment of coral stone 1 degree right, kidney

A 47-year-old patient has a high level of uric acid in the blood, which led to the formation of a staghorn kidney stone.

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