100% success in preventing kidney stones formation
50% success
Consuming an adequate amount of fluids and evenly distributing them throughout the day (urine volume should be no less than 1-1.5 litres per day).
20% success
Balanced, rational nutrition (not a diet, but normal eating that includes a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates).
10% success
An active lifestyle, sports, walks, movement. In other words, everything that will make your body work, so to speak, at "higher speeds" (of course, within the limits of common sense).
5% success
If you have a higher risk of forming stones than others (close relatives had stones or you have already had them), it's important to get tested and undergo further examination. However, this decision should be made together with a urologist.
5% success
Sanatorium-resort treatment and herbal remedies. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that will stop the growth of stones. Therefore, if you focus only on this point and ignore the previous ones, the effect will be zero.
10% success
Unfortunately, these 10% remain beyond our capabilities and understanding, so the risk of stone formation always persists.